Personal Branding

$ 39

This introductory course will explain that how we are perceived in this world, is by everything we say and everything we do, from that all-important very short first impression to our personal lives that we share on social media. Our values, behaviours and ethics are what our customers will see and use to decide if they trust us and want to do business with us.

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Creating a personal brand may seem like a grandiose or self-indulgent exercise. However, the harsh reality is that if you do not create your own brand, other people will do it for you based on whatever information they can glean about you from friends, colleagues, social media and internet searches.

Taking control of your personal brand puts you in charge of the narrative and allows you to present yourself in the best possible light in an oversaturated marketplace. It will boost your reputation and elevate your credibility as well as help you to build trust with others in order to reach your personal and professional goals.

Philip Sykes

Trainer & Consultant

Philip Sykes is the leading etiquette trainer and consultant with a global reputation for professional excellence. He has more than 25 years’ experience of engaging with clients at the highest level to bring the transformational power of etiquette to the forefront of their business and personal lives. Since establishing The British School of Etiquette in 2013, Philip’s expertise has been sought out by Royalty, diplomats, presidential staff and celebrities all over the world. The School now has an international network of partnerships and consultants that extends to The Middle East, China, India, Pakistan, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, USA, South Africa and Europe. Philip regularly appears in the British and international media as an etiquette expert and commentator on modern manners and behaviour. He has been featured on BBC Radio, Channel Five Star TV, RTL German News, Dutch TV programme Trippers and Mexican TV station Televisa. Philip has also been interviewed by leading newspapers and magazines, such as The Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Times, The Mirror, The Mayfair Magazine and Gentleman Mexico. As Principal and Founder of the School, Philip is passionate about equipping our students with the tools and confidence to achieve their dreams. He brings his outstanding interpersonal and motivational skills to each and every course he runs. It is testament to his enthusiasm and relentless drive that The British School of Etiquette is the only organisation of its kind to become certified and accredited by CPD, ILM (part of City & Guilds), Investors in People and The Institute of Leadership and Management as well as accredited as a Centre of Training Excellence. In Philip’s words: The purpose of my life is to be alive and joyful, to be present with energy and passion, to embrace and appreciate those close to me, to learn and grow and work with people, so that I can inspire and help them to live a fuller life, to love more abundantly and to make a greater difference in this world now and forever.

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